The Lord Knows Who Is Trusting Him
Nahum 1:7 – “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
In Nahum’s prophecy, he announced the utter destruction of Nineveh. The Scripture describes the time as a “day of trouble.” People who do not know their Bibles have no concept of the severity of God’s judgment that will one day be poured out on this Christ-rejecting world. In spite of the terrible judgment that Nahum pronounced, he reminds us that God is also merciful. The Bible declares, “The LORD is good.” What a true statement! God is good. It cannot be overstated. God is always good. We may not always understand what He does and we may not always agree with the things He does; but we know that He is good. Even in times of trouble, God is good.
Goodness is not just what God does, but it is what He is. Nahum also says that God is “a strong hold in the day of trouble.” He is an anchor in times of difficulty. Trouble can come to any of our lives. As a matter of fact, it will come to all of our lives. We live in perilous times. International terrorism has awakened us to the reality of trouble, both at home and abroad. Thank God we are not alone to our own resources in times of trouble. God is our stronghold. He is an anchor in the time of storm.
Nahum also tells us that the Lord observes our faith: “he knoweth them that trust in him.” The nation would be dealt with severely by the hand of God Almighty. Yet, wherever He could find those who were trusting Him, it would not go unseen. Of course, we realize that nothing escapes the all-seeing eyes of our Creator; but it is comforting to know that whenever we are trusting in the Lord, He is aware. Maybe you have wondered if God knows where you are and what you are going through. He does know; and if you are trusting Him, He knows that as well. He is able to show Himself strong on behalf of those who are depending on Him.
What are we to do in times of conflict and affliction? When chastisement comes to a people, God’s people are not exempt from the consequences. Famines in the Bible affected the righteous as well as the wicked. God wants us to trust Him when troubles come. We cannot please God without faith. When He sees us relying on Him in our days of difficulty, He knows “them that trust in him.”