Blessed are They That Mourn
Matthew 5:4 – “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”
Can mourning be considered an activity that is associated with blessing? Jesus said the mourners “shall be comforted.” Spiritual mourning precedes spiritual comfort. We see this in the way we view our sin. How would you describe the attitude of your average acquaintance in respect to his sin against God? Most people are casual about their rebellion, and unconcerned about disobedience. When a person does admit his sin, it is often accompanied with an excuse, justification, or blame for another party. Seldom do we see genuine mourning for sin. And yet, the Bible calls for it and God promises to bless it.
Repentance, which God commands from every man, includes this state of mourning. The Prodigal Son made horrible decisions with serious consequences when he left his father’s house for a fling in the far country. After his resources and his companions were gone and his ego was shattered, he had a change of heart. Returning to his home with a heart of repentance, he was met by a father who “comforted” and restored him. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” It says of our Lord that He came to “heal the brokenhearted” (Luke 4:18). There is comfort, healing, and restoration to those who grieve over their sin.
In the lost man’s way of thinking, it is a blessing when one’s sin goes undetected. He thinks it an enviable thing to get away with crime. To be able to violate God’s law and feel no remorse is acceptable. To mistreat others and not experience the prick of a guilty conscience is not unusual. To disregard the Creator and blaspheme His holiness without regret is normal.
But to God, and to those who know Him, there is a completely different view of sin. We grieve over our sin because it is disobedience to our loving Father. We mourn when we bring disgrace to His holy name. It saddens us to think we have failed Him again. Our hearts are broken over our selfishness and stubbornness. In our shame, we repent and confess our sin, and we discover again this blessed truth, “they shall be comforted.”