Willing to Leave All
Luke 18:28 – “Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.”
In the service of Christ many have laid aside their quest for earthly gain that they might be unhindered in carrying out His blessed will for their lives. Question these individuals and you will find that they refuse to call such selfless dedication “a sacrifice.” They contend that the Lord has already given them “better things” than they would have accumulated had they traveled the carnal path of their original desires. Not only that, but their complete consecration assures them of “an hundredfold” reward when Jesus comes to crown His victorious, consecrated followers.
A secretary told her boss of some of her experiences as a member of a group doing personal work. A full year in that organization is given in earnest house-to-house soulwinning, and much emphasis is placed upon the need for yielding to the Lord and His work.
On one occasion this group was visiting a Church for the second time, telling of their endeavors to win the lost. A young lady came forward to indicate her complete submission to God’s will for her life. She said, “As I listened to your testimonies the last time you were here, I too wanted an unselfish life of service to the Lord. But as I went home, I kept thinking of my job, my friends, and other things I held so dear. It seemed too much to give up. Throughout a sleepless night a voice kept saying, ‘They left ALL and followed Jesus.’ Finally, I could stand it no longer. I slipped down by the side of my bed and made a full surrender.”
Dear Reader, have you ever made such a total commitment to Christ? Though costly, it will revolutionize your life and bring you untold blessings, As the old hymn says,
“All to Jesus I surrender, humbly at His feet I bow, worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me Jesus, take me now. I surrender all, I surrender all. All to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all.”