Are We Seeking God’s Wisdom?
I Kings 10:24 – “And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.”
Solomon, was known for his unprecedented wisdom. Soon after Solomon became king, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Ask what I shall give thee” (I Kings 3:5). Solomon could have asked for riches, for long life, for the defeat of his enemies, or any number of other things. Instead, he asked for an understanding heart and discernment, or wisdom. God was so pleased with his request that He gave him the wisdom he desired and also promised Solomon great riches and honor. Solomon was renowned for his wisdom, writing “three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five” (I Kings 4:32). People traveled great distances to see the throne of Solomon and “to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.”
We all need God’s wisdom, probably more than we realize sometimes. The Scripture tells us that Solomon’s wisdom exceeded that of all the kings of the earth, and thankfully much of his wisdom is preserved for us in the Book of Proverbs. As people sought to hear the wisdom of Solomon, we should be seekers of God’s wisdom. No one had more wisdom in his day than Solomon did, but “a greater than Solomon is here” (Matthew 12:42). In I Corinthians 1:24 tells us Christ is “the wisdom of God.”
God expects us to be seekers of wisdom. The Lord has wisdom for our relationships, our finances, our hurtful pasts, and for every area of our lives. God’s wisdom is different from the wisdom of this world. Just as the world sought to hear Solomon’s wisdom, we are to seek God for wisdom. James tells us, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally” (James 1:5). God is generous with His wisdom. Many of the family problems, financial problems, and relationship problems that plague God’s people could be resolved if they would seek and apply God’s wisdom. We should ask the Lord regularly for wisdom. As we read the Scripture each day and listen to Bible lessons and sermons at Church, we ought to be seekers of truth, learning the ways and principles of God, that help us walk in His wisdom.