Growth Markers

  • Heart for God
  • Mind for Truth
  • Knees for Prayer
  • Mouth for Encouraging
  • Hand for Caring
  • Feet for Going

Take this assessment. Answer each question with a rating of 0-5.

  • “0” being Rarely, and “5” being Always.
  • Keep note of your totals for each section. The assessment of your totals is at the bottom of this page.


  1. I realize that being part of a faith community is one way to encounter God’s transforming love and care.
  2. I have a sense of belonging at Grace Chapel, this is a place I feel a connection to.
  3. There are sufficient opportunities to connect to small groups, classes, studies, missions at Grace Chapel.
  4. I introduce myself and reach out to those I don’t know during worship or at an Grace Chapel gathering.
  5. I am willing to serve as a shepherd or guide to new members as a way to help them feel connected.
  6. I invite those who don’t normally attend church, to join me in worship or at a community event.
  7. I experience God’s abounding grace through the community of Grace Chapel.
  8. I belong to a group which grows in faith together and challenges each other to grow deeper in Christ.
  9. I invest in my relationship with others by praying for them.
  10. I have learned to value the diversity of the people in God’s kingdom through relationships at Grace Chapel.


  1. I practice a spiritual discipline (prayer, reading the Scriptures, worship) on a regular basis. (At least 4 times/week.)
  2. I sense God’s transforming love in my life, reflected in my changing values, priorities, relationships, feelings, behaviors and reactions.
  3. I understand the essential beliefs of the Christian faith and can explain them to a friend.
  4. I realize worship is not about pleasing me but glorifying God.
  5. I attend worship two or more times a month, 25 or more times a year.
  6. I have attended a study or class in the past year.
  7. I pray every day for the Holy Spirit to direct me as I open my heart to God in a personal time of devotion.
  8. I would like to learn more about the Scriptures.
  9. There are sufficient opportunities to grow in my faith journey offered at Grace Chapel.
  10. I understand the depths of forgiveness and practice it for people who have hurt me.

Become a Blessing

  1. I know my God-given gifts, and am actively serving Christ by using those gifts.
  2. I serve Christ and Christ’s church by being a regular volunteer in a ministry area of Grace Chapel.
  3. I have participated in a Community Work Day, a Mission trip, or served as a mentor in the past year.
  4. I give back to Christ and the church by faithfully giving a percentage of my income.
  5. I am willing to serve in ways that are outside of my comfort zones.
  6. There are sufficient opportunities offered to serve Christ and Christ’s community at Grace Chapel..
  7. I believe God enables me to do things I could not or would not otherwise do.
  8. God calls me to be involved in the lives of the poor and suffering.
  9. Because everything ultimately belongs to God, I am generous.


As a guide for interpreting your total for each area of growth, and choosing next steps, we suggest:

  • 40 – 50  I am investing my gifts, knowledge and skills to bless others. While I realize that growth is a life-long process, this is an area of strength for me.
  • 23 – 39 I am showing evidence of intentionally living for Christ. I need to consider some next steps to further my walk with Christ in certain areas.
  • 0-22 I need to reflect more about my lifestyle and become more intentional about my walk with Christ.

The Next Steps to Consider


  • 40-50: Consider leading a small group. Can you host a group in your home and someone else could lead? Consider being a shepherd to a new member.
  • 23-39: Would you consider greeting on Sunday morning on the sidewalks around our building? Do you attend a Sunday School class?
  • 0-22: Not everyone is gifted with the ability to speak to newcomers. What if you started with someone you see every week? Find a small group to join.


  • 40-50: Will you lead a study or class? Will you teach children’s or youth Sunday school class? Where can you share your faith?
  • 23-39: Practice sharing your faith with those around you. Start by talking about where you saw God today, what did you pray about today?
  • 0-22: Increase your attendance in worship, commit to a study and attend it regularly. Practice one Spiritual Discipline daily.

Become a Blessing

  • 40-50: Where can you use your voice to advocate for a justice issue? Are you involved in any of our compassion ministries?
  • 23-39: Can you increase the percentage of your income that you give to God? Discover your God-given gifts and how they can be used in God’s kingdom.
  • 0-22: Sign up for a work day or a community service opportunity. What is one thing you have always wanted to try as a way to give of yourself to others? Try it!