ARM is not about any particular church or denomination, though we worship only the God who is the Father of Jesus Christ as presented in John 3:16. This is a recovery program for people suffering from any addiction which is controlling their behavior and lives. It is a God and Bible-centered program. We offer freedom for a person who knows Jesus Christ as Savior and understands John 8:32: “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” as referring to an ever-deepening, personal relationship through Jesus Christ who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”.
All family members are affected by the actions of the addict and all are welcome to attend. As a gesture of our loving and caring, we provide a free meal 30 minutes before the start of each meeting. During this time we hope you will meet others you learn to like and with whom you will share your struggles and victories.
We are aware of and have access to various recovery facilities, if that is something you need. Our guidelines for recovery are the 10 Principles of Reformers Unanimous. For those who would like to be accountable to a sponsor under a Christ-centered 12-step program, that is available. We use the Life Recovery Bible in either KJV or NLT (paraphrased) as developed by Celebrate Recovery for our major resource, expecting you to have one and bring it with you on Friday night. We award medallions as markers of the length of time a person has been free from an addiction. We also encourage daily journaling as record of the progress of an individual’s recovery. Group leaders are available throughout the week to listen to, talk with, and advise any who attend.
Each evening we have a small-group sharing time, men with men and women with women, where the individual is asked to just share of his or her own need and personal experience. We are neither qualified nor here to tell others what to do. We strive to allow time so that all who want to share may share, and nothing that is shared goes out of the room.
Also, as an outreach of ARM and Grace Chapel, the Grace Home exists as a recovery facility for men. Here each man will find a safe environment, safe people, and Christian encouragement as he strives to achieve the life he would like to have for himself and those he loves.
If you would like to be a part of the ARM outreach, please join us at 6:30 Friday evening for the meal and stay for the meeting from 7:00 – 8:15.